Sunday, January 16, 2011

Day 15, January 16, 2011

Well, as is obvious I haven't really been keeping up with the blog, mainly because I hurt myself pretty good with last Sunday's workout. I spent most of Monday and Tuesday almost unable to walk, feeling as if I had either pulled a muscle in my leg or tore a ligament pretty good and let me rephrase, I could walk but when I bent my legs the pain level went way up. I tried some basic stretching and warm up moves but I came to realize if I pushed much more I probably would hurt myself even worse. I kept the dieting up and I stayed active but I let the workouts rest for a bit. Today I jumped on the scale, expecting to be totally disappointed and back to my original weight, only to find out I have lost 3 more pounds down to 341.. That is a total of 7lbs in 2 weeks and almost 11 lbs from my highest point.

The thing is, I feel like I have been eating like a pig. I mean my daily caloric intake is around 2500-3000 calories but it is all healthier than what I am used to eating. Whole wheat breads, salmon, low fat ham, and more vegtables than I have eaten in my life. I guess there is something about this style of eating vs the fast food and greasy stuff I am used to eating.. Oh well whatever it is I am happy and I hope the trend continues... Well I guess I am going to get up and workout, then go get active and do something.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Day 8, January 09 2011

So I missed day's 6 and 7 as for doing the P90X workouts, I stayed active and I went to the grocery and stocked up on the recommended food for the diet part of P90X. Today I picked up both a set of weights and a set of power bands to workout with (found them at Best Buy of all places!!).

I did tonight's workout on the Day 5 disc: Leg's and Back. I managed to do a little over 30 minutes of the disc before my legs felt as if they would melt. When I started the program I told myself I would progress a little more with each workout and tomorrow I start back into the day 1 disc and I will see if I can advance further than what I managed last week.

So far I have about quit the snacking, the meals have become healthier, I am actually eating vegetables more, and for the first time in my life I have started eating salad's (with spinach instead of lettuce I still don't like lettuce) and I believe that I am making a difference for the better. I may not be able to run marathon's in 90 days, and I may not be "cut" with a 6 pack but I will be more active, be able to go hiking without feeling like I am dying, and I will be able to get out and have fun with the kids this summer,

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 5: January 6th, 2001

Well I am at a small halt right now, I didnt have the required items to do the workout today (power bands, and weights, if anybody has a spare set they are not using) so I took a pass and will use this as my rest day and continue working out tomorrow and hopefully tomorrows workout can be done with what I have here while I shop for the items I need. I have managed to keep eating well and that should help out some since I am not digesting 6-7 cokes a day and eating whatever crap a fast food place can feed me. I am also watching portions now, eating a 6" sub instead of the foot long, ordering half a sandwich with a cup of soup instead of a full sandwich and a bowl of soup and so on.

It didn't help today though that I had to sit through jury selection which threw my eating way off schedule so by the time I got to lunch i was starved, still only ate a 6" turkey and ham on oat bread but it left me feeling a little hungry the rest of the day. I do know I am feeling better not only physically but also mentally. I feel better grabbing a water with my meal instead of ordering a soft drink.

My wife picked up a copy of P90 the basic workouts so I may switch to them till I lose 30 or so pounds but I doubt it, I am going to do my best to stick to the P90X formula...

Till tomorrow.....